Monday, January 14, 2019

Mucky Secrets - Part 4 - Stingrays & Sharks - Lembeh Strait

Part 4 of my documentary, "Mucky Secrets", about the fascinating marine life of the Lembeh Strait in Indonesia.In this video we look at the two most common stingrays in the Lembeh Strait. The bluespotted stingray (Neotrygon kuhlii) and bluespotted ribbontail ray (Taeniura lymma), 

also known as the blue-spotted stingray, are both occasionally found. They both like to camouflage themselves by burying themselves in the sand, but the latter species prefers to seek the shelter of outcrops, and has a more circular shape and vivid coloration. Stingrays breathe through their spiracle, a hole just behind the eye.

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